Health Law & Policy Brief 2015-2016 Applications

Health Law & Policy Brief 2015-2016 Applications

The Health Law & Policy Brief (HLPB) is accepting applications for new members! We encourage 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs to apply.

The Health Law & Policy Brief covers a broad range of topics including: health care, food & drug, disability law, administrative law, and business law; both domestic and internationally. HLPB is entirely online. We publish long academic articles by students, professors, and practitioners. We plan to have two issues in the coming year – a Fall 2015 issue and a Spring 2016 issue. HLPB also has a blog component, which features short pieces on new and developing topics. The blog​ ​is located at​ ​ ​and​ ​is updated every month.

We are primarily seeking multiple staff members to “spade” (edit) our academic articles. If selected as a staff member, you will receive training and advance notice before getting a spading assignment. You will be supervised by a more experienced Articles Editor. You will not receive more than one spading assignment per semester.​ ​We are also seeking one Marketing Director​.​

To apply, please email the HLPB Editor-in-Chief, Mohammad Mesbahi, at with the​ ​​​subject line “LAST NAME – HLPB Application.”​ ​​Please briefly explain your interest in joining the HLPB, and if applicable, any interest or prior experience in health law, food and drug law, or disability law. Please also attach a current resume (GPA not required).
Application deadline: Friday, October 2, 2015 at 11:59am (noon). ​​ We look forward to receiving your application!

​​Applicants who are selected ​to become members of HLPB ​should try to attend the HLPB Spading and Blogging Training on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in WCL Room 526.​ ​Those who cannot attend would be expected to notify the HLPB Editor-in-Chief and will be allowed to meet at a later time with the HLPB Editor-in-Chief.​ ​ Those attending this meeting should bring a laptop and their Bluebook.

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